Study on CBD and Cholesterol

Study on CBD and Cholesterol

The results of a placebo-controlled study by the Center for Applied Health Science in Stow, USA, stated that cannabis extracts containing CBD improved HDL cholesterol levels of volunteers.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is involved in numerous important tasks in the organism, such as metabolic processes in the brain. At the same time, however, cholesterol is also an important starting material for the formation of vitamin D and certain hormones (e.g. testosterone and oestrogen) and for the production of bile acids for fat digestion.

Cholesterol can only be transported in the blood if the fat-like, water-insoluble substance (lipid) combines with the water-soluble proteins. The resulting lipoproteins are classified according to their different densities, depending on their protein content, into Very-Low-Density-Lipoproteins (VLDL), Low-Density-Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-Density-Lipoproteins (HDL).

Because of its high lipid content, LDL is also called “bad” cholesterol and HDL is called “good” cholesterol. If the LDL cholesterol level in the blood is permanently elevated, vascular calcifications can develop. As a result, cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes can occur.

Results of the study

The study involved 65 overweight participants. They received either a hemp oil extract [hemp, 60 mg/d PlusCBDTM hemp oil extract (15 mg hemp-derived CBD)] or a placebo daily for six weeks. Every participant should maintain their eating habits and sporting activities and not change them.

In the hemp CBD group, HDL cholesterol improved significantly. In addition, the participants from this group reported that feelings of stress were reduced. The quality of sleep had also improved.

The researchers also stated that the hemp-CBD combination was well tolerated by the volunteers.

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